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…Go and make disciples of all nations,…
Matthew 28:19
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Reaching the nations
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Christ is transforming lives.
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Useful cheap/free royalty-free image resources
Here we collect links to free or inexpensive royalty-free image resources that can be useful for ministry. While we provide links here we do not vouch for the individual images that are available. Also, please read…
God opens public school doors
On the edge of the town of Chichicastenango there is a middle school. This middle school holds morning and afternoon classes (technically it’s two schools: one in the morning, one in the afternoon). It is amazing…
A team filled with grace and faith in what God does!
Thanks to the Grace Team that came from Arkansas and to fellow missionaries, the Taylors, from Jacaltenango, we were able to partner with a local church to hold a healing service in the center of Chichicastenango.…
A team filled with grace and faith in what God does!Read More
Adventures in the Bible now available in English
After rewriting, editing, redesigning and updates, the Adventures in the Bible in English are now available in book form! We are excited to announce that our Adventures in the Bible resources are now available in English! Over 150…
A children’s day celebration
In Guatemala schools, churches and others celebrate just about anything that they can…including Día del niño (Children’s Day). Just a few weeks ago, we were invited to help a local church celebrate children. While this celebration…
Training ministry leaders in rural Guatemala
Recently a young pastor from a rural church outside of Chichicastenango invited us to come and train their children’s ministry team. We love helping to encourage and share vision and ideas with these leaders who have…