One of the ways we help equip kids ministry leaders is through workshops that we take to area churches and through training activities here at the REACH ministry center. We also team up with other ministries that provid training and resources to help equip leaders. One of those we trust to provide quality, Bible-based training is KidsnMissions.
Located about 2.5 hours away from us, Elton and Gail Wells offer a variety of classes to train leaders for kids ministry. This month we provided transportation to leaders from our area so they could attend this training.
When all were registered, we had 17 leaders from 7 churches who piled into the hired van to go to the training workshops.
The participants enjoyed the training and were excited about what they learned.
As we train leaders, we keep in touch with those we’ve trained and others who have shown interest through a WhatsApp group so they can keep up on training, resources and opportunities to keep growing!
Your support helps us train, equip and send leaders like these who are teaching the new generation of leaders in their churches!
Here are some photos of the leaders on their way to the training!

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