I was recently talking with some of my friends in Guatemala about how Spanish speakers are all over the world. They responded something like, “We are everywhere!”
It’s true. Spanish speakers can be found all over the world and they tend to build communities wherever they go. In those communities across Latin American and other countries, there is a need for good Spanish resources as churches reach out to and develop among these Spanish-speaking communities and especially among kids.
That’s why we developed the Aventures en la Bibla (Adventures in the Bible) resource. It started as homework sheets that we used for our own neighborhood outreach and then developed into over 160 coloring and interactive story pages that we make available to others for free online or through printed books.
Across the world Spanish-speaking communities are in need of good resources for teaching and training adults and children to understand and practice God’s Word. Here in Guatemala we partner with a Bible training ministry to teach adults and continue developing resources to equip teachers, parents and pastors to disciple children.
On April 4, 2021, we published a resource page where ministries and individuals can download the study sheets from the Aventuras en la Biblia book for free. As of the writing of this article there have been over 6,600 downloads of these resources to 26 countries. These aren’t just a downloaded page her and there, these are page after page after page downloaded so that churches and others can teach God’s Word!
Today, I received a message from a ministry about 5 hours away from us in eastern Guatemala. The pastor there told me that before he only had coloring books to use with his children’s ministry. Now he’s using the Adventures pages for a group of about 24 kids between the ages of 4 to 12.
It is exciting for us to see how the Lord is using this resource to equip others to disciple and teach young Christ-followers.
Thanks to the Lord and generous supporters, we are able to make this resource available for free online. We also have the 161 stories available in book form on Amazon.com and we are working with international ministries to make it affordable to children’s outreaches and ministries as we distribute it across Spanish-speaking countries.
Please pray that this resource will not only help children know Bible stories but that they, their teachers and families will be discipled and put God’s Word into practice.
If you’d like to help us continue reaching out, equipping others and bringing the Gospel to Guatemala and other nations, consider a monthly donation or a one-time gift to help us keep reaching the world with Jesus.
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