The Burks family from Jenison, Mich., visited us earlier this month and helped us reach out with Christ through local schools, churches, small groups, a prayer walk and visits with local families. Check out these photos of many of the things the Burks helped us do!
A Message of Truth for Students
A local public middle school invited Michael to share about honor and respect at a student assembly celebrating the newly elected student leaders. With the stories of David and King Saul, Michael shared about how honor and respect show in the way we treat others, and the way to build lives of honor starts with …
Bible Study Fun with Local School Children
Morning after morning our front door opens and a class load of students from the local elementary school pour into the playground. These students don’t have much space to play at their school so they come to take their breaktime on our playground. We love that we can give them a space to be active, …
Encouraging local teachers
For many years now, we have developed a connection with the teachers at a local elementary school. With the help of teams and donors like you, we’ve been able to support this school in technology needs, share the Gospel at student gatherings, teach English and encourage the teachers. Last week, we invited the teachers over …
Bible values for elementary students
Values with a strong foundation of faith are values that endure. We are excited to partner with a rural church that is just outside of the town center to help take Bible-based values to a local elementary school. Guatemalan pastor Juan Peliz and his wife Evelyn have hearts to reach their neighbors with Christ. For …
Bible-based values for schools
Chicua III is a small community nestled in the hills about 30 minutes outside of Chichicastenago in the western mountains of Guatemala. Recently we got lost trying to use a digital map to find this community so we asked some of the friendly locals. They directed us to leave the paved highway behind as we …
Lunchtime for teachers
It was lunchtime for teachers and values were on the menu. Through some God-given connections, we have been building relationships with schools, teachers and the local school district here in Chichicastenango. As part of this we invited about 75 teachers to join us for lunch at a local restaurant. We wanted to present our book …
Encouraging and equipping teachers
Since 2015 we’ve been helping with the teachers at an elementary school that sits about two blocks from our home. With help from generous donors we outfitted a computer lab with 10 computers. We’ve provided school supplies and English teachers. When school is in session, the teachers bring children to our yard for break time …