Manuela needed a home. Years ago she married, but soon she faced the rejection of a husband who didn’t understand why she wasn’t pregnant yet. He left her for another woman not knowing that Manuela was in the early stages of their first pregancy.
Returning to her family, Manuela was reluctantly given a place to stay as she raised her child and eventually two children as a single mom. Years passed and the home front became a place of stress as it evident that her own family wanted her out and off their land. She was a stranger surrounded by family.
After years of struggling through this rejection, Manuel connected with the ministry of ASELSI — a Guatemalan non-profit— and she asked for help to build a house.
She had found a piece of property and was slowly making payments to buy it. If she could get help with a house, she could move onto the property and have a place to call her own.
ASELSI agreed to help her out and soon there was a match for Manuela. A team from Garland, Kansas, had a heart to build houses and she had the need.
At the end of June, the team of 10 from Kansas along with a few leaders from ASELSI hiked up a steep trail to the stony worksite with an amazing view of the green valley below. It was going to be a beautiful home site.
In a day and a half, the site went from an sloped clearing with posts stuck in the ground to a home ready to move in complete with a porch and window that overlooks the valley.
The afternoon when the team finished the house and prayed for Manuela, she cried and thanked the team for building her a house she can finally call her own home.

Since 2011, Michael & Chrisi Shead have worked with the Guatemalan association called ASELSI that focuses on Bible Training, Medical Care, and connecting teams with communities in Guatemala.
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