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We disciple, equip and prepare people to produce fruit for God’s kingdom. This land is a place to do just that.
We call it…
El Vivero
(the growing place)

Plans for the new site include:
- Perimeter wall (under construction)
- Multipurpose classrooms and youth tech areas (under construction)
- Production and distribution center for ministry resources (under construction)
- Ministry office space
- Playground and recreation field
- Guest house (existing but needing renovation)
- Missionary housing
- Mini working and training farm and orchard
- Rain water recovery and collection system

Current Projects:
Perimeter wall

Currently we are building a perimeter security wall to prevent thieves, keep good relations with the neighbors and provide a safe place for our missionaries and the Little Disciples children’s ministry.
The perimeter of the land is just over 750 feet long and we need a wall that covers about 650 feet of that (there is already a wall bordering part of the land). The wall is made with a combination of prefabricated cement plates and regular concrete blocks along with reinforced concrete and iron reinforced columns and beams. It is approx. 8.5 to 12 feet tall and will have security wire along the top.
Cost for the wall: US$30,000-$35,000.
Electrical updates
We are in the process of updating and installing new electrical connections to the property, adding lighting, updating outdated electrical in the current building and relocating electrical lines that are potentially dangerous.
Costs for electrical updates are approximately: US$2,500
Multiuse classrooms and youth tech areas

The walls for the classrooms and youth tech areas are under construction but we still need the roof, floors, doors, windows, plumbing and electrical. This building is about 61×23 ft. This will provide space for our Little Disciples kids program, a bathroom, a workshop space for tech projects for our DiscipleTec youth and space for producing and distributing printed materials to equip ministries and churches for children’s ministries as well as other activities.
Cost of classroom/workshop: approx. $14,000

Future projects include:
- Playground — moving current swings, slides, etc. to the new land from old ministry site and building a cement slab for basketball and kids activities.
- Guest house/offices — renovating the current house for office and guest areas (including roof, electrical, and plumbing).
- Missionary housing — a house for Michael & Chrisi and the kids to live in and host activities.
- Project farm — a small-scale farm (chickens, other fowl, sheep, etc.), fruit orchard, and areas for basic agricultural training.
- Rain water collection system — a system of tanks and gutters to collect rainwater for use and to help prevent flooding.
How you can help…
- Pray — We need wisdom, patience and protection as we build and develop this space. Please pray for wisdom for us and the planning process, patience for each step to be completed in God’s timing and protection for the workers and everyone who enters this land. Also pray for favor with local leaders who oversee utilities and community decisions.
- Financial support — Construction materials, labor and furnishing the new site all cost money. Still, we continue our ongoing ministry of Bible training, workshops, outreaches to the poor and developing and distributing ministry resources. Money for the building projects help us to move forward quickly to be able to relocate to the new site and expand the ministry from there.
- Come help — Do you have construction or ministry skills and a desire to serve? Contact us if you want to come help out and experience Guatemala!
Property details:
The property is just over a half acre (.6074 acres) (about 103’x266’x87’x292′). It is on nearly flat land about 15 minutes walking distance from the town center of Chichicastenango. It is located in a community of Guatemalans and about two blocks from a local elementary school.
The property was purchased by Reach World Mission missionaries Michael & Chrisi Shead and a lease agreement was agreed upon by the Reach World Mission Board in June, 2022. In this agreement, improvements made with Reach World Mission funds are subject to at least 10 years of ministry use or repayment to the mission.
Please join us in praying as we continue ministry here in Guatemala and work to develop this property into a place where people can grow in Christ and disciple others.

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