We like our little van, but there’s a problem: it just doesn’t have enough space for all we do.

In the 11 years that we’ve had this hardworking little Mitsubishi van, it has served us well in many ways:
- carried many people and supplies to ministry activities at schools, churches and to various communities;
- taken people to and from hospital and medical appointments;
- served as a hearse to carry a mourning couple to the cemetery to bury their child;
- hauled lumber and thousands of books for delivery;
- moved hundreds of pounds of food for families in need,
- carried visiting teams and their luggage up and down winding mountain roads to share the Gospel with others,
- brought a load of Guatemalan missionaries to get their passports ready for a mission trip to Cuba,
- carried our own family safely over the mountain roads and
- so much more.
Our 17-year-old van has a few issues like: no air conditioning (It’s not broken, it just doesn’t have it.), rain leaks inside the back door, etc., but it serves us well. The main issue is simply that we need more space. Even with just our family, we often have more people than seatbelts, so some people have to go without safety belts or we would have to leave some behind for another trip.
“Where four people fit, five can fit too.” is a common saying here in Guatemala when loading a big group into a vehicle. We have applied that saying well with this little van.

A Bigger Vehicle
We would like to get a 15-passenger van with more space for carrying us and others to ministries, outreaches, activities and more. The extra space would help keep luggage, teams and others dry and the air conditioning would be a cool relief on hot travel days.
We are praying that God will provide us with a larger vehicle like the Toyota Hiace (pictured above) that will provide many years of safe, reliable transportation for ministry and activities as we continue reaching out here in Guatemala.

A matching gift
Right now we have a two generous partners who has offered combined matching grants for a vehicle. For every dollar donated, they will match up to $10,000. That means your gift of $100 toward a vehicle turns into $200, etc. up to $10,000.
Will you help us?
We have $5,000 set aside toward a new vehicle, but we need about $35,000 more.
Would you help us get a bigger van to serve our ministry and transportation needs here in Guatemala?
Two things you can do:
1) Pray for us as we continue ministry and for God to provide the right vehicle at the right time for us.
2) Consider a donation to help us get a vehicle.
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